Meet the Well-Connected Chinese Couple That Spent $1.3 Million Trying to Make Jeb Bush President

A duo of Chinese husband-and-wife shelled out $1.3 million in support of Jeb Bush, who apparently failed to secure the Republican nomination.
They are Gordon Tang and Huaidan Chen, Chinese citizens with permanent resident status in Singapore. They are business people tied with several politicians in the United States.
According to The Intercept, the couple donated $1.3 million to Right to Rise USA, a super Political Action Committee (PAC) that supports Jeb Bush.
The donation, made last year, came from one of the couple’s companies. It’s called American Pacific International Capital, where Jeb’s brother Neil is a board member.
The couple is also associated with Gary Locke, the former U.S. ambassador to China. Chen, in particular, purchased Locke’s home in Maryland while the latter served the role.
Wilson Chen, Huaidan’s brother, explained that such transactions are part of maintaining their “friends.” He said Tang did not regret donating to Jeb Bush, as it was an act of “helping a friend.”
Now, it is known that Bush will abstain from voting for a presidential candidate in November. He posted on Facebook:
“In November, I will not vote for Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton, but I will support principled conservatives at the state and federal levels, just as I have done my entire life. For Republicans, there is no greater priority than ensuring we keep control of both chambers of Congress. I look forward to working hard for great conservatives in the Senate and House in the coming months.
He explained why he is not voting for either:
“Donald Trump has not demonstrated that temperament or strength of character. He has not displayed a respect for the Constitution. And, he is not a consistent conservative. These are all reasons why I cannot support his candidacy.”
“Hillary Clinton has proven to be an untrustworthy liberal politician who, if elected, would present a third term of the disastrous foreign and economic policy agenda of Barack Obama.”
Meanwhile, business goes on for Tang and Chen. They are majority shareholders of SingHaiyi, a Singapore corporation which raised $226.5 million to develop luxury and public housing. It is backed by Neil Bush and Gary Locke, according to RHB Bank.
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