Good People in China Form Human Chain to Save Mother and Kids Trapped in Frozen Lake

By Carl Samson
More than a dozen good Samaritans locked hands to save a mother and her two children who fell into a frozen lake in northern China.
The heartwarming rescue took place in Tangshan, Hebei Province, on Jan. 7.

It is understood that the three ventured for a leisurely walk, but unfortunately stepped on ice that was not frozen enough.
Thankfully, more than 12 people came to their aid by linking hands and forming a 20-meter (66-foot) chain to pull the family from the bitter cold.
The temperature was minus 13 degrees Celsius (8.6 degrees Fahrenheit) during the rescue, which lasted less than three minutes, The News Minute reported.

“The tug of war and death, the relay of love and beauty.”

“I feel it was more dangerous for the rescuers because of the pressure [exerted on ice]. If those in front fell, the ones in the back may not be able to pull. But still, I have to praise them.”
“Good, but they also have to beware of their own safety.”

China’s Good Samaritan law went into effect on Oct. 1, 2017.
Under the legislation, people who offer assistance to those in need will be free of civil liability in the event that the latter is harmed.

“There is no need to discuss whether or not you should aid people in distress. Your help is a matter of life or death for the person who is injured,” Wang Cheng, professor at Peking University Law School, commented, according to China Daily.
Watch the epic rescue below:
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