Good-Hearted Thai Soldier Gives Life Back to Drowned Puppy Using CPR

Good-Hearted Thai Soldier Gives Life Back to Drowned Puppy Using CPRGood-Hearted Thai Soldier Gives Life Back to Drowned Puppy Using CPR
A heroic soldier in Thailand successfully brought a drowned puppy back to life by carefully giving him cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR).
The little dog was reportedly in terrible condition when he was found by a group of soldiers in a flooded area of an army base in the Thai capital of Bangkok, Daily Mail reports.
“There was a lot of rain and the garage where the puppies were kept flooded. We checked and one was missing,” one of the rescuers, Weeraphon Sukudom, was quoted as saying.
While his other siblings survived the torrent of flowing waters, the tiny pup appeared to have died as he was no longer moving and had already turned blue.
“His brothers and sisters are all still alive. He just was the weaker one and was separated when the water went in the garage,” Sukudom narrated.
Refusing to just let the small animal perish, Sukudom decided to lay him down on a table carefully and give his chest some massages by only using thumbs for a few minutes. He also pumped air by breathing into the puppy’s mouth.
“I learned CPR a long time ago but had never done it before on a human or animal. But I had to try to save the little dog,” shared the soldier.
The puppy soon showed signs of life when he suddenly let out a faint squeal and opened his mouth.
“The puppy was already blue and I thought he might already be dead, but I just tried,” Sukudom said. “Then I could feel the life returning to him. His heart started beating again. It’s very lucky we found him in time. It’s like a miracle he’s alive now. I’ll look after him and feed him to get his strength back.
After successfully reviving the little puppy, Sukudom decided to adopt him and aptly named him Champion.  
A video of the soldier’s act of heroism was posted by fellow recruit Tongchana Paeloy on Facebook. As of this writing, the video has been viewed more than 12 million times.
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