‘Ghost Corpse’ Body Pillows are Now a Growing Trend in Malaysia, Indonesia

By Bryan Ke
Ever wonder what it would feel like if you wake up one night and find a ghost corpse sleeping next to you? One online store Mon Hia, based in Thailand, is now selling a Pocong body pillow, perfect to cuddle with this coming Halloween.

This Pocong body pillow, which is often mistaken for the body of a dead person, is going viral in Thailand for its incredibly scary design.

Imagine waking up in the middle of the night with this thing lying right beside you on your bed. Unfortunately, the shop doesn’t offer complimentary adult diapers to complete the package.

Pocong is a folklore that originated in Malaysia and Indonesia. It’s more of a ghost rather than a corpse, which is a common misconception of the lore. When a dead person’s soul becomes trapped inside its shroud — or a corpse covered in white fabric — it becomes a Pocong.

According to its creators, the couple who operates the online store Mon Hia, 20 people bought the Pocong body pillow on the first day of its posting last Friday, Khaosod English reported. The pillow has become massively popular, with the creators of the product hearing from many people in Indonesia and Malaysia.
“We want to do something unique that no one else has ever done,” one of the owners, Nattawud Supsumruam, said. “Our concept is to surprise people.”

The Pocong body pillow is not only ideal for a cuddle buddy, but it can also be an accessory to prank your friends. Check out the online store’s post, which has now received over 37,000 shares and 16,000 reactions, to know more details and see other products.
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