This Startup Invented a Spray That Fights Cancer Using the Best Compound From Cannabis

- THC, short for tetrahydrocannabinol, is the chemical that gets you high.
- CBD, short for cannabidiol, is perhaps the world’s newest wonder medicine which gets infused in products like the best CBD oil.
- Cancer
- Crohn’s Disease
- Diabetes
- Migraines
- Heart Disease
- Anxiety
- Depression
- Acne
“Right now we know we have an amazing set of products, and everyone who tries them loves them. Our CBD sprays have already garnered amazing testimonials from individuals suffering epilepsy, chronic pain, etc. Our biggest struggle is getting the word out- people need to know that our sprays exists and we are sure they will embrace Gevitta. It’s an amazing feeling to be able to provide our customers with an amazing product we can confidently put our name behind.”
Throughout your venture so far, what would you say is the greatest piece of advice you’ve received?
“If you choose to start down this path, you must be prepared to commit completely. This company has the potential to change people’s lives and once you do, you can’t stop. You are now responsible for those individuals.”
What does your daily schedule look like balancing your family and the business?
“We are awake all night feeding and changing our 6 month old – then I start my day at 5:30 a.m. where Kim and I have a moment to ourselves just before the kids wake up. After the kids wake up at 7:00, we enjoy a breakfast together as a family where we normally have a healthy meal including eggs from our chickens before Moby, our two and a half year old, heads down to feed the family animals while Kim takes care of Mace. We have 25 chickens, three goats, and a dog.
Then it’s time to head to the home office- we are fortunate enough to be able to work parts of the day from home so I can continue to interact with and care for my family. We are currently in outreach so I am constantly on the phone and returning emails from prospective distributors, affiliates, customers, etc. I also dedicate a large amount of my day to work with our team for further research, development, partnerships, testing, etc. Lastly I work with our multiple epilepsy foundations to make sure we are providing them with all the support and funds needed to create our study.
I would explain what I do after work but there is no “after work”- we are on call 24/7. this is not work as much as a lifestyle. I am passionate at what we are doing and failure is not an option.”
“I am lucky enough to have an amazing fiance, Kim, who helps and is a true partner in what I am trying to accomplish.Without her, my few hours of sleep would most likely be none, and that would never last. Without Kim’s flexibility and understanding of all of my faults, our relationship would have been doomed from the beginning, but because of her ability to see the bigger picture she has done a fantastic job of supporting me in all of my dreams.”
Assuming your campaign is successful, what is your next step for Gevitta?
“Well the initial funding is going to be used for two things. The first is to optimize our manufacturing, flavors, and formulas again, making sure we can create the greatest product possible. Secondly, we do have a give back mission within Gevitta. During our Indiegogo campaign, for every two sprays sold, we are going to be donating a Gevitta Canna CBD Spray to an epilepsy foundation in order to conduct an epilepsy/CBD research study. We are on a mission to discover the full potential CBDs can have on peoples health.”