Fresno Man Attacked With Weapon While Taking a Morning Walk in the Park

Fresno Man Attacked With Weapon While Taking a Morning Walk in the ParkFresno Man Attacked With Weapon While Taking a Morning Walk in the Park
A man was rushed to the emergency room after falling victim to what appears to be a random assault in West Fresno, California on Monday.
The victim, identified as Vang Vue, was at the end of his 1-mile walk at Roeding Park when someone from a distance walked toward him.
Vang Vue. Image via @grizzlyeats559
The suspect, a Latinx/Hispanic male, hit Vue on the head with “some kind of weapon,” according to Instagram user @grizzlyeats559, who first broke the news.
Vue and his wife have been taking daily morning walks in the park for weeks, but they have never been involved in an incident.
Images via @grizzlyeats559
“His children made this post to keep our community safe from harm and random assaults. They didn’t make this post to demonize others or perpetuate the stereotypes of harm-doers,” @grizzlyeats559 wrote, acknowledging anti-Asian attacks amid the COVID-19 pandemic.
“On behalf of the Raza we do not acknowledge these individuals who steal from the defenseless. A real MAN finds a way to hustle, and isn’t out here preying on the elderly, weak, and vendors.”
Image via @grizzlyeats559
Vue is reportedly recovering from the incident. @grizzlyeats559 also raised funds to buy him a treadmill “so he may no longer walk at the park and be in harm’s way.”
“This is great! Thank you @grizzlyeats559 and the whole community for this. My grandpa’s on the road to recovery but he’s not alone,” wrote Instagram user @amandavwj.
GrizzlyEats told NextShark that a GoFundMe will be set up to assist the family with the medical bills as he was discharged on Tuesday. A link to the campaign has yet to be created as of this writing.
NextShark also reached out to Vue’s daughter, Chia Vwj, as well as the Fresno Police Department for further comment on the incident. We will update the story when possible.
Feature Images via @grizzlyeats559
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