Taiwanese Professor Fails His Entire Class After One Student Gave a Bad Review

Taiwanese Professor Fails His Entire Class After One Student Gave a Bad ReviewTaiwanese Professor Fails His Entire Class After One Student Gave a Bad Review
Flamingo Kuo, a professor at Taipei’s Shih Hsin University, threatened to give all of his students a failing grade for the semester after receiving negative feedback from one person.
The fed up video editing teacher posted a screenshot of an anonymous review on his Facebook page on Monday from one student who said the course content was “empty,” according to the Straits Times.
However, most of the other comments were quite positive.
In response to the negative feedback, Kuo replied angrily: “Empty! There’s a hole in your brain… 150 students and only you say ‘empty’… if you dare, come out and say it.
He added: “Shih Hsin has such tacky student… I will not teach there after next semester’s lessons.”
Kuo followed up with other angry posts, including one demanding the student to apologize and said he has yet to post exam results for all the students.
In the university’s forum, Kuo wrote that he wanted students to explain why they thought his lessons were “empty” and why the student who gave him a negative feedback didn’t discuss it during the term.
The school refuses to tell me who is criticizing me, so I have decided to give the whole class zero marks in protest,” he said. “I seek everyone’s understanding.
The Golden Bell (the equivalent of an Oscar in Taiwan) award-winning teacher also complained he had to turn down other projects to put all his time and effort in the class.
Some netizens pointed out Kuo’s bravery, but others asked why he paid attention to one negative comment when there were several positive ones.
One class, which consisted of 54 students, did end up getting an F, but Kuo let his two other classes off the hook.
The professor later withdrew his threat and told students he would revise their marks.
In a Wednesday post on Facebook, which has since been removed, he wrote that he did not anticipate his original tirade to go viral.
Kuo has since apologized to the students and the management at Shih Hsin, which it turns out is his alma mater and has taught there for seven years.
But he reiterated how unfair it was for the student to give him negative feedback without any constructive criticism.
I love Shih Hsin. I came from Shih Hsin,” said Kuo.
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