Taiwanese man takes pet fish for a walk with ingenious ‘fish stroller’

By Carl Samson
A Taiwanese man is making headlines for designing a brilliant solution to help small aquatic animals explore a world beyond the water.
Jerry Huang, who lives in Taichung, has invented what he calls a “fish stroller,” a mobile aquarium that has been turning heads whenever he takes his pet goldfish out for a walk.
The cylindrical tank, which is made of acrylic, sits at the center of the wheeled carrier, giving the fish a 360-degree view of the outside world.
The unit is also equipped with a battery-powered filtration and oxygen system, as well as LED lighting for trips in the dark.
Huang reportedly spent weeks building the stroller, which was the product of tedious research. “It’s not a spur of the moment thing. You need to understand the fish,” he added.
The stroller cost Huang between $300 and $400 to build.
Featured Image via AFP
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