K-Pop Stans Flood White Supremacist Hashtags to Help BLM

By Bryan Ke
K-pop fans demonstrated their massive power on social media again by flooding trending White supremacist hashtags on Twitter with fancams of their favorite idols.
The effort started on June 2 for the #bluelivesmatter hashtag, according to Vulture. The flood led to other White supremacist hashtags such as #whiteoutwednesday and #whitelivesmatter.
The effort seems to be successful, as many posts containing racist messages were completely buried for a period of time, Variety reported.
This is not the first time K-pop fans took up virtual arms to help the Black Lives Matter movement. Last weekend, many fans helped the protesters after the Dallas Police Department asked citizens to send any video showing illegal activity during the protest.
However, instead of sending them actual videos, users flooded the app’s server with K-pop fancams that eventually lead to crashing.
Cities across the U.S. are facing widespread protests following the murder of George Floyd.
Feature Image via Getty
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