Fan Creates Unreal Life-Sized Pokémon Out of Legos

By Ryan General
A Pokémon superfan impressed the internet with Lego builds that brought the user’s favorite pocket monsters to life.
An image featuring life-sized Lego statues of Pikachu, Eevee, Charmander, Togepi, Ditto and Geodude appeared on Reddit last week, generating quite a buzz among Pokémon fans.
Redditor Ddave_, who posted the photo, said each character cost about $500 Australian dollars ($349) to build.
According to Ddave, each structure was planned digitally before being constructed.
Commenters were impressed with how accurate and detailed the sculptures were.
When asked which one was the hardest to build, Ddave responded, “I think Charmander. He has both LEGO bricks and plates combined together and is also the biggest. Geodude was also difficult. None of them are easy. They each present their own challenges.”
One Redditor was delighted that the structures reminded him of the 8-bit sprites found in the original Pokémon games for the Gameboy handheld gaming console.
Meanwhile, many of them offered suggestions on which character the talented LEGO builder should work on next. Although, most wanted a build that will cost a lot more due to the Pokémon sizes they were recommending.
According to Ddave, Squirtle will be next and then Bulbasaur next year. “Early next year. I’m waiting on a bulk quantity of parts from LEGO,” the user wrote.
“Bulbasaur is the biggest of any starter. I’ve ordered over 5,000 bricks to make one, and should arrive close to Christmas. Bulba won’t be built until next year. Squirtle is coming.”
Feature Image via Ddave
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