Everyone is Freaking Out Because Kim Kardashian Went to a Tech Conference

Everyone is Freaking Out Because Kim Kardashian Went to a Tech ConferenceEveryone is Freaking Out Because Kim Kardashian Went to a Tech Conference
Image via Oyster Mag
“Why is Kim Kardashian at a tech conference?!” TechCrunch blared out in headline form today.
It’s a good question, but a rhetorical one. Why is there world hunger when so much food is wasted? Why does racism still exist? Why is Kim Kardashian anywhere at all?
The 34-year-old Kardashian West was at a Re/Code conference yesterday to talk about “the business of being herself,” which includes her app game “Kim Kardashian Hollywood,” from which she will rake in an estimated $200 million this year. As well, most media coverage of Kardashian West at the tech event have trumpeted the reality star’s 24.7 million Twitter followers, which, in this day and age, basically qualifies her to be monarch of the world and justifies her being anywhere she damn well wants to be.
I’m calling it right now: the counter-movement is taking shape; gatekeepers and tastemakers are starting to embrace the fact that Kardashian West is way more successful than them and most of the people they know, and they’re also coming around to the fact that, like a roach, she’s just not going to go away — she’s everywhere. So, let’s bow our heads and give credit where credit is due. Read closely the nuggets of business/entrepreneurial wisdom I have culled from Kardashian West at the Re/Code conference for you, dear reader, below, and maybe one day you’ll get to marry Kanye too … or something like that.
Blackberry is the best

“I love a BlackBerry. Every time I say that, people are horrified that I have a BlackBerry, and I don’t understand that reaction. BlackBerry has my heart and soul — I’ll never get rid of it.

“I do have an iPhone, and I use that for photos, but if you have an email and you need to type fast, you need to have that keyboard. They don’t even have them in stores anymore. I buy them on eBay. It’s a BlackBerry Bold. And I like to have three in my room that I line up in case they break.”

Be humble about your earnings

“We’ll never talk dollars and cents … It could be more. It could be less. It’s been very good to me.”

Instagram is awesome, but don’t oversaturate

“I’m loving Instagram. I think you can be really creative, and a little more intimate. It has more texture than just words, obviously.”

“I have a three-image rule, in the same setting. I try not to do more than three. It oversaturates my feed.”

Twitter is the new Google

“Twitter really became my form of Google — I would just get on Twitter and say, ‘Does anyone know where to go eat in this city?’ … It’s just an amazing focus group.”

Google Glass is sooo not cute

“It’s just not for me.”

So, there you have it. Consider yourselves enlightened. Now go make bajillions.
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