40 More Women Come Forward Against Columbia University Doctor After Evelyn Yang Breaks Silence

By Ryan General
More women have come forward to accuse Dr. Robert Hadden of sexual assault after former presidential candidate Andrew Yang’s wife, Evelyn Yang, revealed the gynecologist’s alleged misconduct.
Last month, Evelyn revealed in an interview with CNN that she was a survivor of the doctor who has worked in the medical facilities at Columbia University in New York.
“Something about being on the trail and meeting people and seeing the difference that we’ve been making already has moved me to share my own story about it, about sexual assault,” she was quoted as saying.
In her revelation, the 38-year-old shared that the doctor assaulted her during multiple sessions. She stated that in one incident, Hadden performed an internal examination on her without wearing any gloves.
“I was in the exam room, and I was dressed and ready to go. Then, at the last minute, he kind of made up an excuse,” she shared. “He said something about, ‘I think you might need a C-section,’ and he proceeded to grab me over to him and undress me and examine me internally, ungloved.”
While many victims have made allegations against the doctor before Evelyn’s revelation, the interview has prompted numerous previously unknown survivors to reach out to the Manhattan District Attorney’s office to share their stories.
Lawyer Anthony DiPietro recently spoke to CNN, noting that among the latest allegations are cases involving minors. He added that the accusers have already filed a civil lawsuit against the doctor and Columbia University.
One of the nearly 70 women involved in the lawsuit is Emilia Heckman, who recently told CNN about her experience with the doctor.
“At first it was gloves on, and all of that,” she shared. “And then it transitioned to no gloves, a tongue, and a beard.”
“I recoiled,” she added.
While the plea deal has allowed Hadden to register at the lowest level sex offense as possible, he reportedly can still be tried on new criminal charges as it will depend on the individual circumstances per case.
Feature Image via evelynyang (Left), CNN (Right)
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