Evan Low, Joe Simitian tie for second place in Bay Area House race

By Carl Samson
The primary election for California’s 16th Congressional District has ended in a tie between Assemblymember Evan Low and Santa Clara County Supervisor Joe Simitian, leading to an unprecedented three-way race in November.
Key points:
- Low, 40, and Simitian, 71, tied for second place, according to the final ballot count certified Thursday by the Santa Clara County Registrar of Voters. Former San Jose Mayor Sam Liccardo, 53, secured first place.
- The 16th Congressional District includes significant portions of Santa Clara and San Mateo counties, encompassing key Silicon Valley cities.
- The California Secretary of State will certify the election on April 12.
The details:
- Both Low and Simitian concluded the election with 30,249 votes each (16.6%), trailing behind Liccardo, who received 38,489 votes (21.13%). All three Democrats are competing to succeed Rep. Anna Eshoo, who is retiring after over 30 years in Congress.
- The tie leads to a three-way race in November’s general election, a situation not seen since California adopted its nonpartisan primary system in 2012.
- Candidates have the option to request a recount within five days after the official results, though observers believe it is unlikely at this point.
- In a statement, Low thanked his supporters for their time, money and votes, stressing how the race showed that “every vote really counts.” He also thanked his rivals “for a thoughtful campaign and for their commitment to serve our community.”
- The three-way race could dramatically change campaign strategies and voter dynamics in November’s election. If Low wins, he will be the Bay Area’s first LGBTQ+ representative in Capitol Hill.
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