Asian Man Declared the Hottest After Rigorous Attraction Test

By Carl Samson
Because Asian men are hot, they naturally contend for the title of being the hottest.
That’s even among, let’s say, a bunch of random guys.

The Try Guys of BuzzFeed, however, thought of subjecting themselves to six tests — based on science or survey — that ultimately determined who among them is the most attractive.
The winner: the mighty Eugene Lee Yang.

Eugene bested Ned Fulmer, Zach Kornfeld and Keith Habersberger in tests that measured and reviewed their testosterone, Body Mass Index (BMI), facial beauty, pheromone, online dating potential and physical attractiveness/boyfriend material-ity not based on looks.

In the test that measured their testosterone levels, Eugene shot up at a score of 363, followed by Keith (259), Zach (252) and Ned (212).
In the video, Dr. Jesse Mills, clinical professor of urology and director of The Men’s Clinic at UCLA, explained:
“Testosterone is a very important male hormone. If a man doesn’t have any testosterone, he loses a lot of characteristics that make him a man.”

“Men with high levels of testosterone tend to have a very high sex drive. Muscle mass is another thing… If you look at it from that perspective then he may appear more attractive.”
He points that there is currently no scientific data that correlates the level of testosterone to the level of attractiveness but suspects “certainly there’s something there.”

Eugene also topped at facial beauty, which concerns “a variety of characteristics ranging from the width of someone’s face to the distance between their eyes, the distance between their nose and their mouth,” according to sociologist Dr. Jess.
“Eugene has a relatively high degree of facial symmetry and I think that’s something important to understand,” she pointed. “The length between his nose and chin is very much consistent with what we would consider to be facially attractive.”

Dr. Jess also stressed that Eugene “has a very very interesting jawline,” noting that it’s “very strong” but at the same time gives a “softness.”

Eugene ranked first in the pheromone test too, which sought to know who smelled best based on T-shirts they wore for an entire week to bed. He likewise bested everyone else in the poll that asked their international coworkers who the most physically attractive is.
He ranked last, however, in online dating and the boyfriend material-ity poll.

But in the end, Eugene was still declared the “scientifically hottest” Try Guy!
Watch the whole thing below:
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