Former Model Who Quit Social Media Attacks ‘Instagram Couples’ in it for the Money

By Laura Dang
The Essena O’ Neill saga continues as the former Insta-famous Australian model tears down fake couples in the social media world.
O’Neill, the 19-year-old woman leading the crusade to expose fabricated realities on social media, has posted a new video to her social justice website called Let’s Be Game Changers. After wiping out all her social media accounts, the former model has been focused on her website that consists of a series of vlogs, blog posts, and a forum for fans.
In her most recent video post titled “Love Gets Likes,” O’Neill touched upon her former addiction to social approval and reminisces on a romantic online encounter involving a nameless “famous supermodel.”
Looking over old “goodnight selfies” she once sent him, O’Neill explained how she left him in the dust when she realized the superstar model was more interested in generating profit from their image as a powerful social media couple than he was in her.
He tried to convince her that they could “make millions the first year” if they pursued a romantic relationship. She recalled his romantic business proposition and said:
“He referred to a lot of people doing just that. In the industry it’s not unheard of to do this and that it’s actually really smart. [He said] I should think about it seriously as a business proposal.”
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