YouTuber’s Corny Asian Supermarket Pickup Puns Should Be #AsianCoupleGoals

By Khier Casino
Whether you’re joking around while shopping at the supermarket with your dad like Twitter user Kylie Moy or using groan-inducing pickup lines like YouTuber Esa Fung, a good, old-fashion corny joke sometimes helps put a smile on your face.
A video posted on YouTube on Dec. 24 shows Fung testing out some funny yet cringey puns on his friend Lena Lemon at an Asian supermarket.
“YAKULT be my girlfriend. But you playin,” he starts off.

But Lena replies with a clever comeback: “NATTO day.”

Fung then asks: “SOYA what are you doing today?” Lena just ends up laughing.

After Lena turns down a dating offer, Fung says: “You’re KIRIN me.”

Fung then shares too much information by saying he, “took a Big Sheet today.”

That pun evoked a “WTF” reaction from the woman shopping next to the duo.

Here are some other puns Fung and Lena came up with on their Asian supermarket run:

Fung saved the best for last:

Images via YouTube / Esa Fung
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