The internet is apparently divided on the ‘Squid Game’ English dub

In the latest great internet debate, fans of the highly successful series
“Laughably bad”: Several fans took to Twitter to voice their opinions, with the majority of them agreeing that the English dub turns the thrilling drama into something like a comedy.
- Twitter user @KonekoKittenYT wrote, “It’s funny how the quality of a show improves near immediately when turning on subtitles for the original language. Squid game was laughably bad in english until turning on korean with subtitles.”
- In a similar vein, @TearofGrace wrote: “Squid Game 10/10. If you want to cry: Use subtitles. If you want to laugh but still cry: Watch the dub”
- Another fan, @jonlovett, realized that several viewers might be unaware that they are watching the English-dubbed version.
- Other fans mocked “Squid Game” viewers that didn’t use English subtitles, claiming them to be “the weakest link,” “lazy” and “the first to be eliminated.”
Multitasking: In a sea of dub-hating tweets, some fans have shared their love for the dubbed version and their reasons behind watching it.
- As someone with ADHD, @widowstelepaths opts for the version without subtitles.
- Some users, such as @iisjoh, considers reading nine hours of subtitles “intimidating.”
- Then there are the fans who want to multitask, like @tranganhdong.
- And finally, there are a rare few who are genuinely impressed by the English dub — unless they’re being sarcastic, that is.
Featured Image via Netflix
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