High Schooler Creates Heartbreaking Tumblr of the Last Text Messages People Ever Sent

Text messaging is one of the main ways people communicate with each other in this day and age, so it’s not uncommon that some people’s last exchanges happen via text.
An insightful 15-year-old student at Ohio Virtual Academy, Emily Trunko, has created the Last Message Received Tumblr. The Tumblr allows users to anonymously submit and talk about the last messages they received from ex-friends, ex-lovers and people who have passed. Trunko told BuzzFeed Life she had given those experiences some thought before creating the site:
“I’ve always been fascinated with glimpses into the lives of other people. I thought that the last message sent before a breakup or before someone passed away would be really poignant.”
“I moved out of the country for a job and he couldn’t handle talking to me anymore.”
The teenager is also the creator of Dear My Blank, a Tumblr that allows people to write anonymous letters to crushes, ex-significant others, and whoever else they choose. Her most recent site on last exchanges has affected the way she perceives her interactions with the people she loves. Trunko said:
“Every message I send to them could be the last one I ever exchange, and every message I receive could be the last one I receive.”
“Last message my grandma sent me when she went into heart surgery. Died 9 days later.”
“My dad passed away in April, this was the last message we had together the day before, I wish I had talked to him more.”
“I still miss him.”
“He died of a drug overdose a few days later.”
“After I told him that the relationship we had was too much for me at the moment, after which I stopped answering his messages. Almost a month later and I still avoid him. My heart’s not done breaking.”
“I invited him to come watch my play every day for a month and he always said he was gonna come because that’s what friends do, but then he didn’t show up. I asked him why and this is what I got.”
“That Friday I was at a fraternity party, and that was the last time I saw him. It turned out he drove home and took his own life. I knew something was wrong when I hadn’t heard from him. We were in love and planning our future together. He left behind a son as well.”
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