82-year-old Asian woman ‘maced’ and beaten in Las Vegas

By Carl Samson
Neighbors are on edge after an 82-year-old Asian woman was viciously attacked with what appeared to be mace and a stick in downtown Las Vegas over the weekend.
What happened: The incident, which was partly caught on video, occurred on Fremont and 9th Streets at around 1:30 a.m. on Saturday. The victim, who lives in the area, was out to get a late-night snack for herself and her husband when a man attacked her.
Two witnesses said the assailant sprayed the victim with what appeared to be mace, according to FOX5. The perp then repeatedly hit the victim with a stick.
The aftermath: Neighbors can be heard yelling “stop” from their homes. The victim reportedly sustained “visible bruising” and was transported to a hospital.
What neighbors are saying: Neighbors reportedly fear they could be targeted next. They believe the victim was attacked because she’s an “easy target” and that she’s Asian.
The big picture: It remains to be seen whether the victim was targeted due to her race. Earlier this year, Las Vegas was also shaken by a brutal attack on another Asian senior, Amadeo Quindara, which took place in his own garage.
Later on Saturday, AAPI and other diverse groups gathered for Nevada’s second annual Communities United Multicultural Festival. The event sought to celebrate diversity, spread information on voting and citizenship and address the national rise in hate crimes.
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