Drunk Driver Demands Cops Use Touch Up App to Make Her Look Good For Arrest Photo

A female driver in China who was pulled over for driving while intoxicated had one request to her arresting officers: make her look better.
The drunk woman was pulled over by cops in Xinjiang after driving one night last week, Shanghaiist reported. Unable to hand them her license, she attempted to flirt her way out.
Unfortunately, she was messing with the wrong cops. They had her undergo a breathalyzer test which did not run smoothly as she tried cheating at first. However, they eventually confirmed her drinking, Sina said.
As soon as officers began taking pictures for evidence, the woman demanded that they better use Meitu — one beauty app capable of giving “instant” plastic surgeries.
We’re not exactly sure whether cops succumbed to her request, but apparently, they let her pose just as she wanted.
She was later brought to a hospital for blood testing.
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