Drew Barrymore and Martha Stewart teach TikTokers how to eat ramen with scissors

Drew Barrymore adds to TikTok’s popular trend of #ramenhacks with not a new way to cook ramen, but rather, a new way to eat it. She shares the food hack she calls “ramen scissors” with her guest, Martha Stewart.
The Ramen Scissors: In Barrymore’s TikTok video, she picks up the ramen with her fork and demonstrates cutting the long noodles with scissors in order to avoid slurping. Her instructions specifically include, “Be careful to keep scissors horizontal and a few inches away from your face and hair.”
- Stewart commends Barrymore’s “ramen scissors” hack in the TikTok video. She agrees that cutting the noodles makes less of a mess and eliminates the need to slurp, saying, “No slurping. No juice running down your chin.”
- They both then continue to put the noodles in their mouths while cutting them.
Reactions: Some TikTok users were quick to inform the actress that the act of slurping shows your appreciation of food in some Asian cultures.
- Eating ramen with a loud, slurping sound is considered polite in Japan, and in Korea it shows that one is enjoying the food.
- One user commented, “I can’t wait to watch the Asian culture to duet [sic] this video,” referring to an Asian TikToker.
- Another commented, “I mean this in the kindest way possible but pls [sic] everyone go ahead and unlearn this one.”
- Others suggested that a simpler way would be to break the noodles before cooking them.
Featured Image via @drewbarrymore
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