Shopping Sprees and Private Jets: The Life of a Chinese Billionaire’s Daughter

When it comes to money and 
No matter what the reason, you are probably guilty of “supporting it” — The Rich Kids of Instagram Tumblr can be painfully addicting, as is the show that it helped sprout, “#Richkids of Beverly Hills.”
And on the subject of being born into it, can ultra-high-net-worth heirs and heiresses help it? Of course not, and for every spoiled kid swimming through their 20s in a sea of champagne, there’s a young adult forging a productive life of their own through the silver spoon given to them instead of just doing lines of coke off of it. “#Richkids’” own Dorothy Wang, the 25-year-old daughter of billionaire real estate mogul Roger Wang, is the former. She proves that you can create your own path no matter how big the shadow you live under.
Wang has recently applied her entrepreneurial spirit by creating a tongue-in-cheek, affordable jewelry line. The collection features various necklaces with trendy, hashtagged phrases designed to bring relevance to even a pair of Dickies overalls.
Wang took some time out of her “#fabuluxe” life to talk with Nextshark about her E! reality show, how it’s affected her relationships and her goals in the years to come.
Do you feel like reality TV fame has drastically changed your day-to-day life and personal relationships?

I honestly feel like I’m the same person, just the things functioning around me are a little different. Going from “normal”-like to the entertainment industry is quite interesting, but I really do feel like I’m the same person — I just get my hair and makeup done more, and people care a little bit more about me, ha. The real, true relationships/friendships, those are exactly the same. I’m just busier, but they are happy for me for being able to turn what I set out to do into a career!

How is your relationship with your family? What do they think of your career?

I have a great relationship with my family, even though we are all busy doing our own thing and often in different countries — we are extremely close and speak every day. They are very supportive of my endeavors and proud that I was able to create this career for myself and my work ethic to continue to further it. Some days, they do joke why I couldn’t choose a “simpler, more LOW KEY” career, but at the end of the day, they say I was meant to be on television and share my life, adventures and thoughts with the world.

Has the increase in your followers on Instagram and social media affected what you post and why?

I think obviously with a bigger audience comes a little bit more of a social responsibility. I definitely try to make sure a “joke” I think is funny won’t come off offensive or upset anyone. I’m not here to make anyone feel bad about themselves or their lives. But at the same time, if I censored myself too much, it would take away the very reason why I have so many followers: ME.

In the beginning, when the show was first launching, there was a lot of hate targeted towards you and your lifestyle. How did you weather the storm of comments? What advice do you have for others that receive online hate?

I have very openly admitted to reading every single comment and crying for the first month that the show debuted. I think the title “#richkids” which I was really against in the beginning as well, definitely gives off a certain air that rubbed people the wrong way. As the show progressed and viewers saw that we weren’t just these spoiled brats showcasing our parents’ wealth, and people got to see who we really were, our lives and our motivation to create careers for ourselves, they were able to relate and even LIKE us. After that I noticed some of the hateful comments subsiding, and even being met with positive ones! I think the important thing to remember is that not everyone is going to like you; you have to just be true to who you are and what you believe in. Everyone is going to have an opinion, and especially if you are putting yourself in the public eye, they feel like they have the right to express it and sometimes not in a nice way!

You’ve mentioned before that the show allows you to prove that you can make it on your own. How do you feel you’ve most attained independence since beginning the show? And is independence in general something you’ve always strived for?

I’ve always been very driven and had a strong worth ethic, so it’s been great to be able to put all that into the show and to create a business for myself and develop a product line! I’ve always wanted to become financially independent from my parents; I never wanted to not work and just rely on them for everything. And while I’m not completely there, I am happy that I have been able to take over part of my finances, and hopefully soon I will not only be financially independent but also buying gifts for my parents!

Has the show changed your perception of others in Hollywood who make their living behind the camera lens as well?

I think it’s one of those things that you will never understand, UNLESS YOU’RE IN IT. It’s almost like some sort of secret society. None of your outside friends will ever fully understand what it’s like and what you go through and just how much work it really is. That’s why I think no matter what, even if we hate each others’ guts, our cast is so deeply bonded and connected through this experience.

Has the show affected how you meet new people? What type of people do you like to surround yourself with?

I think growing up, in the world that i did, I was always very smart about who I surrounded myself with and developed a very strong intuition about people. Some people may say I’m a bit too “guarded,” but I simply have learned to take the time to get to know someone and see their intentions before letting them into my life. But I’m the type of person where I may be cold at first, but once you’re in, you’re IN. I’m very very loyal, sometimes to a fault.

As a millennial, do you feel pressure to lend your voice to a higher calling? What do you desire to do with the power your influence gives you, if anything?

I do feel a sense of social responsibility. I don’t want to call myself a role model, but I do recognize that we have this amazing platform and that people do look to us and what we are doing, and we do have the ability to influence or show someone something they may have not known before. I do try to incorporate that into the show and my social media — something as simple as embracing other cultures, donating blood, being KIND to each other. While I do post about different charities and philanthropic endeavors as well, I honestly don’t think it always needs to be that radical of an undertaking to have a positive influence. I think the best and most realistic way to influence and create good is to lead by example in your day-to-day life.

Where do you want to see yourself in five years? Where do you want to see the show? Has your success made you consider the entertainment industry as a career path?

I honestly can’t envision a time where I WON’T be sharing my life with the world. It’s very strange; perhaps I’m a little weird but that’s really how I feel. I love filming “#richkids,” and it makes me sad to think about it being over, but alas we cannot be married, with children on “RICH KIDS,” ha. I would love to have my own food/travel/lifestyle show where I would travel around the world, go on different adventures, learn new things, experience different cultures and showcase some of my talents and knowledge — all while being fabulous and entertaining of course! Not many people know that I love to cook and am an extreme foodie, so I would love to do something with that side of me as well!

Follow Dorothy on Instagram here and shop her jewelry line here.
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