Adult Actress Dolly Leigh Reveals That She Wants More Asian Men in Porn

Dolly Leigh, 25 year old adult actress and avid gamer, is no stranger to the spotlight – having been in the industry for a few years, she’s had her share of screen time. So she’s used to putting herself out there and fans are accustomed to seeing all angles of her.

Despite this, netizens were surprised, some even charmed, by a recent tweet on representation in the adult film industry.
What seemed like an innocent question was actually one of those “elephants in the room”, as that’s a question that many Asian men have been asking for some time.

The responses spanned the gamut between amused and trollish.

Dolly was having none of this negativity, though, and voiced that she wanted to see more Asian men in porn in the future.
And although there are a handful of Asian guys in porn, such as Jeremy Long and Keni Styles, they seem to get no love from casting directors and various websites. Perhaps we’ll see more Asian men in porn in the near future – that is, if Dolly has anything to say about it.

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