Sneaky Dog Survives 7-Hour Trip from Hong Kong to Japan Hiding in Owner’s Luggage

Editorial Staff
January 7, 2016
Security officials in Japan and Hong Kong may need to step up their game.
Last week, a crafty schnauzer pup snuck into his owner’s suitcase and flew all the way from Hong Kong to Japan undetected. The dog somehow bypassed security officials at both airports.
Apple Daily (via EJ Insight) reports that the dog owner had left from Hong Kong to spend the holidays with his family in Japan on Dec. 28. Upon his arrival in Japan at Hokkaido Airport and seven hours after his departure from home, his mother-in-law called to inform him that his dog was missing in Hong Kong.
The owner proceeded to check his suitcase and found the innocent canine inside. The dog was reportedly doing well. While the owner continued on with his trip, his loyal best friend was flown back to Hong Kong by Japanese custom officials on Dec. 30. It wasn’t long though until the schnauzer was reunited with his owner when he returned to Hong Kong on New Year’s Day.
Source: Coconuts Hong Kong
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