Chinese doctors remove 24-pound stomach tumor from woman who complained of constant weight gain

Chinese doctors remove 24-pound stomach tumor from woman who complained of constant weight gainChinese doctors remove 24-pound stomach tumor from woman who complained of constant weight gain
Doctors discovered an 11 kg (24.25 pounds) tumor growing in a Chinese woman’s stomach after she complained of incessant weight gain and an expanding stomach.
The woman, surnamed Lin, from Jiangsu Province in eastern China, sought medical attention after continuously gaining weight despite strenuous exercise and being slim her entire life.
“I thought I gained weight, so I went to exercise to get rid of the fat,” Lin told Jiangsu Television per South China Morning Post.
After going to the hospital, Lin discovered that she had a large tumor growing in her stomach and had the 46 cm (18.1 inches) tumor removed on June 2.
Although the tumor was benign, doctors stated that if it were not removed in time, it could have caused further damage as it put pressure on Lin’s organs and potentially spread to other parts of her body.
Weibo users shared similar experiences. One user said they gained weight due to constipation and another claimed theirs was due to a cyst. Users also expressed fear and anxiety, with one commenting that they feel as if they have “problems all over my body.”
“It seems that sudden weight gain or loss should be taken seriously,” one user wrote, per the Morning Post.
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