South Korean DJ Puts French DJ on Blast After He Allegedly Se‌x‌ua‌lly Ha‌ras‌s‌ed Her

South Korean DJ Puts French DJ on Blast After He Allegedly Se‌x‌ua‌lly Ha‌ras‌s‌ed HerSouth Korean DJ Puts French DJ on Blast After He Allegedly Se‌x‌ua‌lly Ha‌ras‌s‌ed Her
Bryan Ke
January 22, 2019
Famed South Korean DJ and model DJ Soda recently took to social media to call out DJ Hugel for making advances on her.
via Instagram / deejaysoda
DJ Soda, whose real name is Hwang So-hee, made a post on Monday showing a screenshot of a conversation she had with French DJ Hugel, who allegedly made a comment about one of her bo‌dy p‌arts.
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I got sex‌ua‌lly hara‌ss‌ed by French dj in London who I helped in the past by promoting his music,” DJ Soda wrote in her social media post. “He made a vulgar comment about one particular part of my body. He said it was a just a joke after I told him that I was upset by his comment.”
via Instagram / hugelthug
“I’ve had so many unimaginable cases of s‌exu al ha‌ras‌sm‌ent by many people in my life, but I’ve endured them for fear of being retaliated against for being a celebrity, but I don’t want to be hurt anymore.”
via Instagram / deejaysoda
In the conversation, DJ Soda told the man that it’s not for him, but he insisted that he wants it.
The s‌exu‌al hara‌ssm‌ent stopped when the 31-year-old DJ replied, “WTF dude it’s se‌x‌ual h‌ara‌ssm‌ent, have manners please.”
Hugel insisted his advances were a “joke,” adding, “don’t take it too serious.”
via Instagram / deejaysoda
Many of her followers quickly came to support her.
Featured Image via Instagram / deejaysoda (Left), hugelthug (Right), deejaysoda (Middle)
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