Drunk Millionaire Brags About His 176 IQ and 6 Houses on Flight, Gets What He Deserves

Editorial Staff
April 13, 2016
A self-proclaimed genius and millionaire was thrown off a JetBlue flight after he caused a disturbance among passengers inside the plane.
The drunk passenger, later identified as David Brackett, was caught on camera shouting at passengers and disobeying airline crew on a flight from Long Beach to Sacramento on Friday.
In the video uploaded by passenger Sara Walter Bear on Rants of a Sassy Stew, Brackett was seen going off on a rant that disrupted other passengers and caused the staff to show him the aircraft door
He was also heard bragging about his millions of dollars, six houses, IQ score of 176 and 20/20 vision in the 11-minute clip.
Brackett, who is believed to be a vice president at real estate company Homeland Financial Network, threatened to sue his fellow passengers several times throughout his rant.
“I did not sign any disclaimer for this to be released,” he shouted at the woman filming him. “So I will be filing a lawsuit.”
Due to the ruckus, the plane was then redirected back to the gate and airline officials went in to escort the man off the plane. Two other passengers, who were identified as his accomplices, were also removed from the flight.
According to the woman who uploaded the video, the three men began loudly discussing plane bombings, which frightened another passenger.
In a statement relayed to the Daily Mail, JetBlue said:
“On April 8, Flight 266 from Long Beach to Sacramento returned to the gate shortly before departure following a report of disruptive customers in the cabin. The aircraft was met by local authorities where the customers were removed before the flight continued on to Sacramento.”
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