Woman Exposes Man Who Allegedly Sexually Assaulted Her in Her Sleep After a Rave

Woman Exposes Man Who Allegedly Sexually Assaulted Her in Her Sleep After a RaveWoman Exposes Man Who Allegedly Sexually Assaulted Her in Her Sleep After a Rave
A man has vanished off of social media after a woman’s terrifying Facebook post accused him of sexual assault after a rave.
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Posting on Facebook under the name Kiki Uwu, the alleged victim wrote in detail claiming an assault took place during an after party with some friends following an Excision rave. The exact location of the rave was not specified.
“After Excision, I went to an after party at a hotel that I partially paid for just in case I crashed the night,” she wrote. “I paid for 25% of the hotel and my other friend paid for the rest and he invited a few other friends that I didn’t know to the party. Everyone was partying on and hanging out when I inevitably fell asleep on the bed.”
“I’m always the first to fall asleep after going to a rave so that’s nothing new. What was new was waking up at 7 AM to a really strange intrusive feeling. I woke up completely disoriented and it took me a good while to realize that a complete stranger had his hands down my pants and underwear.”
According to the post, the woman’s initial reaction was to sit up and say “What the fuck?” out loud. This apparently startled the man and caused him to get down on the ground.
“Oh shit she’s going to see that it was me,” he reportedly said while lying down.
“I didn’t stop staring at him on the ground and I was still feeling disoriented,” Kiki continued. “He then said, ‘Oh I thought you were some girl named Vivian,’ and then apologized.”
“I’m not sure why I didn’t make more a commotion when I realized what happened, but I want to attribute it to the fact that it happened when I was completely disoriented and in a place that I assumed was safe. One of my best friends was sleeping on the floor and another good friend was sleeping right next to me on the bed.”
Kiki shared that at the time of writing the post, she was “still not completely 100% done processing what happened.”
“I’m not sure why it happened to me when I didn’t even say more than two words to him because I fell asleep almost instantly. I’m not sure why it was me… maybe because I was the only girl sleeping in that room… and I was an easy target.”
She then continued: “…I want everyone to understand that your friends may not be the people they seem to be. This guy is a friend of a friend who assumed he’d be cool and he ended up trying to take advantage of me while sleeping.”
“For friends in the rave, cosplay, con, and any other social event scene, please take this into consideration. Don’t let your friends get put in a possible situation where if something dangerous can happen, it may actually happen and will.”
In her post, Kiki identified her alleged abuser as Darren Pham and even initially included links to his social media profiles.
She later posted an update letting her friends and followers know that she already filed a police report.
“I FILED A POLICE REPORT and because I reported it within 72 hrs of the incident occurring, I was eligible for a sexual assault examination which I did take and it revealed MULTIPLE ABRASIONS internally,” she wrote.
Screenshots and links of social media accounts of the accused Darren Pham were linked in the initial story. Pham has since deactivated all his social media accounts.
Kiki explained that she removed all the suspect’s social media links because she did not “want a witch Hunt to interfere with an official investigation.”
She also attached an image of her wearing the outfit on the night of the incident so she would not be judged or criticized for wearing “inappropriate outfits.”
Providing more details about the injuries she sustained from the assault, she later wrote in the comments section:
“When I filed the report, it was under 72 hrs from when the incident occurred. This allowed me to actually go to a hospital and get an official sexual assault examination. During the report filing process, I started that I could only properly determine with 100% confidence that I felt him insert fingers about a half inch up. However, the nurse who helped evaluate my injuries was able to photograph multiple abrasions.”
“One was directly on the outside and was a deep cut near my urethra. On Monday, I started having symptoms of a UTI (urinary tract infection) which involves burning when peeing and blood when being wiped away. I have been on birth control for nearly 4 years (Nexplanon) and have not had a period in over a year. The UTI is a direct result of the proximity of a cut that he made. A deeper evaluation shows another cut on my cervix. This means he got way deeper than I had initially thought.”
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Determined to put the accused to justice, she vowed to not stop, “until I see that no one will ever suffer at the hands of this guy again.”
“It breaks my heart to read comments where other girls have also been directly impacted by his actions. I’ve had several people message me regarding past incidents they or other people have endured and while this situation is painful to deal with, I’m glad that it’s helping propel a movement to bring awareness.”
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