Daly City Just Elected Its First-Ever Filipina-American Mayor

By Bryan Ke
In a unanimous decision, Juslyn Manalo was elected mayor of in Daly City, in San Mateo County, California, the first-ever Filipina-American in the city’s 106-year history.
According to the Daly City news release on Dec. 18, Manalo will serve the role of mayor of the city for a one-year term with Council Member Raymond Buenaventura, another Filipino-American, selected as her vice mayor at the annual city council reorganization.
A majority of the five-member city council are Filipino-Americans. AsAm News reported that Michael Guingona and Glenn Acosta Sylveste will be joining Manalo and Buenaventura in the seat to head the unofficial “Filipinotown,” where more than one-third of its 102,000 residents are Filipino.
“This moment is surreal and something special to me. “I thank the community and every single person here who put me (in the position),” Manalo said shortly after being sworn into office by California State Assembly, Phil Ting.

Before becoming the first-ever Filipina-American mayor, Manalo served as the city’s vice mayor after her election to the Daly City Council in November 2016. She officially became vice mayor of the city when she sworn in for the role on Dec. 5, 2016.
“I am so humbled. I was raised in Daly City; this is my home town. It is a real honor to lead my community and to server as a role model for young people in Daly City to aspire to be the future elected leaders in their City,” she said in the news release.
Manalo was raised in the city since she was 8 years old. She graduated from Jefferson High School, earned a bachelor’s degree in Asian American Studies and a Masters of Public Administration at San Francisco State University’s School of Public Affairs and Civic Engagement.

Earlier in her career, she managed the Bill Sorro Housing Program — also known as BiSHoP — where it helped low to moderate income families find, defend and sustain their housing, as can be seen on her web page. Manalo also became a community advocate for providing direct service to Filipino World War II veterans at the Equity Center.
Manalo may be the first-ever Filipina-American mayor of Daly City, but she is not the first one of Filipino descent. Three Filipino-American council members preceded her, with Michael P. Guingona as the first to hold the seat.
Featured Image via Facebook / JuslynManaloforDalyCity
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