Controversial Korean Show Caught Trying to Do ‘Blackface’ Again

By Bryan Ke
A South Korean television show known for featuring “Blackface” has recently edited out its controversial characters from its digital promotion.
“Gag Concert”, a TV show from South Korean network station KBS, is scheduled to take part in the Busan International Comedy Festival on September 2. And as part of its promotion, the production posted fliers featuring the actors appearing in the show – including the controversial “blackface” characters.

On the digital promotion side, however, the controversial characters have been edited out. The racist reference “Shi-keo-meon-s”, which is translated to as “The Blacks,” is also gone from the description.

It is unclear as to why the characters have been edited out; however, many are hopeful that the show is finally listening to the criticism they’ve received for their racist skits and pulled them from the lineup altogether.
This isn’t the first time “Gag Concert” was met with extreme controversy over its “blackface” skit. The show was called out by The Korea Times for its offensive episode on June 29, 2014, which featured performers wearing full Blackface makeup. The episode made fun of African tribal clothes during a distasteful skit that shows the struggle of stage actors, according to the report.
A similar incident happened earlier this year under South Korean network SBS’ “Laughing Legend Match” show that was aired on April 19. The character, Hyunhee, comes out wearing dreadlocks and what appears to be tribal African clothes, NextShark reported. After her entrance, she acted out a number of racist tropes, eventually ending with her dancing to the title song from “The Lion King”.
A lot of people are taking a stand against the offensive and disgusting act of racism masked in what they consider to be “comedy.” According to YouTuber La La, people have organized a protest against the extremely racist joke to make sure these characters won’t come out during the play.
As of yet, there haven’t been any updates for the gathering, but La La seems to be confident that a lot of the supporters will attend the protest.
It is still unclear if the production has finally listened to the community’s backlash and feedback over its insensitive and offensive “Blackface” characters. But given that it has been removed from digital promotion, it brings hope to people that things are probably changing for the better.
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