Comedian Godfrey Says Asian Women Date ‘Dorky White Dudes’ For Only One Reason in Crazy Interview

By Khier Casino
Stand-up comedian Godfrey stopped by VladTV and shared his thoughts on Asian women who date “dorky ass” White men because they want money while making fun of Asian men’s penis size and targeting Indians.
The negative racial stereotypes started when host DJ Vlad Lyubovny asked Godfrey if he has ever dated a White girl, to which the comedian replied, “Wakanda forever,” and draws the line at having sex with them.
While Godfrey admits that there are “fine women in every race,” he says that there are fetishes that nobody is addressing and uses Asian women in a relationship with White men as an example.
“A lot of times some of these relationships look like agendas, man,” he said.
Lyubovny added fuel to the fire by thanking “all the Asian women out there for keeping all the ugly White dudes from shooting up the schools,” which was met with a few seconds of awkward silence.
The host added that “goofy looking White dudes” are often seen with some “fairly attractive Asian women.”
Godfrey pointed out that Asian girls have an “agenda” to get money for security.
“It’s usually in the tech world. It’s those nerds that got the money and they date them,” he explained.
Godfrey then discusses Asian women’s “subservient” culture and how they never talk back to men.
“These White nerdy dudes want that because they’re already entitled because they’re White males,” he said.
Godfrey added that White men date Asian women to satisfy their “Asian fever.” He then talks about Asian women’s “little” anatomical features before imitating the sound porn stars make during sex.
In a separate video, Godfrey commented on how no one notices Asian women when men pass by them because they don’t have “ass.”
He explains: “When a Black girl walks by, you’ll be like ‘Damn!’ Or a Spanish girl you’re like ‘Oh, shit!’ Sometimes a White chick. But an Asian girl, you’ll just be like ‘Hi! Good day!’ You know there ain’t going to be no ass.”
Godfrey then mentions that an Asian woman needs to be half Black — or a “Blasian” — in order to have an ass.
The conversation segue’s into even more problematic territory when Godfrey says that an Asian man would never wear clothes if he had “a big-ass d*ck” and proceeds to do an offensive “Chinese” accent while spouting gibberish.
“Hey, Black guy! Look at this! What we have here? It’s not egg roll. I don’t think so. Your Black c*ck against my Yellow c*ck, but just as big,” he quipped. “My Wu-Tang sword is bigger than your sword.”
Lyubovny brings it back to Japanese porn and how “Asian dudes will f*ck faster. They got us beat,” to which Godfrey replied, “Yeah, they go real fast because it’s short” before making odd hand gestures.
Godfrey doesn’t just stop with East Asians either.

In another video interview with VladTV, the comedian remarked how “Indian people hate Black people for some reason because we remind them of them.”
Featured Image via YouTube / djvlad
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