Fans Are Devastated After K-Pop Idol Allegedly Undergoes Double Eyelid Surgery

By Ryan General
A popular K-pop artist is facing criticisms from fans after apparently having undergone double eyelid surgery.
Spotted at a recent public appearance, Yoojin of talented Korean girl group CLC now sports outer double eyelids.
Images of the singer’s new look have since spread on various social media platforms and based on many of the comments, netizens are not so happy with the change, reports AllKPop.
Double eyelid surgery (East Asian blepharoplasty, is a procedure many South Korean girls undergo to create an epicanthic fold in the upper eyelids. Such surgery has become as common in recent years for those who want to adopt the Caucasian crease.
Prior to the alleged surgery, Yoojin had inner or ”hidden” double eyelids, which were generally adored by her fans.
Now netizens are expressing disappointment over Yoojin’s new eyelids, which have become noticeably deeper and thicker.
“She shouldn’t have…..,” said one netizen.
“She’s prettier without them,” commented another.
‘What?? Why??” wrote one in disbelief.
“Hul? Did she get surgery? Nooo..” stated a user in frustration.
There are those who also pointed out that the change may not be caused by surgery but just temporary eyelid tape commonly used by Asian girls to achieve a similar look.
“Looks more like tape than surgery to me. (I could be wrong though),” wrote one in AllKPop’s comments section.
Other comments, however, were more supportive of the adorable idol regardless of any change she chooses to undergo.
“I personally think she looks better with her natural ones, but it ain’t my body so you do you Yoojin :)” said a fan.
“Omg no I really don’t like this 🙁 but she can do anything she wants with herself just my personal opinion,” commented another.
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