Chinese Woman Tries to Kill Herself after Husband Refuses to Buy Her a New Handbag

What would you do if you really wanted a new handbag but your partner wouldn’t buy it for you?
The solution for a Chinese woman in Dezhou, China, was jumping into an area lake and threatening to commit suicide. The woman did this after her husband wouldn’t cave into her demands to buy her a new handbag she had wanted, according to People’s Daily Online.
A crowd gathered as they watched the 30-something woman, whose name has not been released, plunge herself into the cold water. The bystanders tried to get her out of the water to no avail. According to Shanghaiist, one witness, surnamed Zhang, was worried and told reporters:
“She’s already been in the cold water for 20 minutes; she’ll get sick if she stays there.”
A buoy was thrown to her by police after they arrived at the scene. However, the woman kept herself afloat on her own, refusing to grab onto the buoy.
The next thing the police did was to ask the woman’s husband, whom they found in the crowd, to soothe her so she could return ashore. Rather than doing that, the husband shouted at his wife, demanding that she get out of the lake.
When his shouting didn’t work, the man jumped into the lake. Rather than help her get out of the water, however, he instead assaulted his wife, weaving his hands around her throat before dunking her head in the water.
That’s when the police realized they needed to act.
The couple were taken to the police station where the police helped the love birds make up, resulting in the woman’s decision not to commit suicide. The woman told the police:
“My husband abuses me all the time at home and it’s not out of the ordinary for him to beat me up like this. I threatened to commit suicide not just because of the bag but because of all the abuse I’ve been through.”
The husband told his wife he’d never abuse her again.
The situation is eerily similar to when a Chinese woman recently threw a huge tantrum because her boyfriend refused to buy her a luxury car.
h/t: Daily Mail
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