Chinese university’s new admission letter is sharp enough to cut fruit

Chinese university’s new admission letter is sharp enough to cut fruitChinese university’s new admission letter is sharp enough to cut fruit
via Douyin
Using high-tech materials, Beijing University of Chemical Technology (BUCT) has created a new admission letter that is just 0.2 millimeters thick but as sharp as a knife. Several BUCT freshmen have uploaded videos showing themselves cutting vegetables and fruits, including a whole watermelon, using their admission letter.
  • High-tech material: Dubbed “black gold,” BUCT’s College of Materials Science and Engineering used a new type of carbon fiber composite to create this year’s admission letter. Known for its durability, flexibility and temperature resistance, carbon fiber is widely used in carrier rockets, large aircraft and vessels. “The carbon fiber-made admission letter not only showcases our university’s exceptional abilities in the field of carbon fiber composite material but also marks the transformation of China’s homegrown carbon fiber composite material from high-end industrial use to daily application,” Yang Xiaoping, a professor at BUCT’s College of Materials Science and Engineering, said.
  • Creative letters: Other universities have also showcased their creativity when designing admission letters, such as Beijing Film Academy, which drew inspiration from film slates, and Zhejiang A&F University, which used thin bamboo fibers produced with the university’s independently developed bamboo slicing technology.

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