Chinese Teen’s Pee Turns Tea-Colored After Doing 1,000 Squat Challenge

By Bryan Ke
A teenage girl from China suffered a near-fatal condition after she performed 1,000 squats with her friend which resulted in both of them ending up in a hospital.
According to China Press via World of Buzz, the 19-year-old girl from Chonqing, China identified as tang challenged her friend on July 10 while on a video call to do as many squats as possible to determine which of them had better stamina.
What started off as a fun physical challenge resulted in the hospitalization of both teens as the two friends managed to end up performing around 1,000 squats. Tang reportedly stated that her legs began to feel sore after the challenge but went to work the following day thinking that it was nothing more than sore muscles after a workout.
On the third day, however, her muscles became painfully sore and she discovered that she couldn’t bend her legs. Things escalated further when her urine turned tea-colored, an indication that there was something wrong with her body – specifically her kidneys.

With this in mind, Tang asked her boyfriend to take her to the hospital. There, they found out that she suffered from rhabdomyolysis, a condition that “results from the death of muscle fibers and release of their contents into the bloodstream,” according to WebMD.
This condition could then lead to renal failure (kidney failure), which means that the kidneys are unable to perform their function of removing waste and concentrated urine. When left untreated, the condition could be fatal, but fortunately for Tang, she was treated immediately and has recovered in the eICU (Electronic Intensive Care Unit) of the hospital.
Tang’s young age may have played a pivotal role in her recovery as it helped her to recover more rapidly. According to the deputy director of the endocrinology and nephrology department, if this condition had happened to someone much older, the result could have been fatal due to kidney failure.
While she was recovering at the hospital, Tang called her friend and discovered that she had been hospitalized as well with the same condition.
Featured image screenshot via Pear Video
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