Chinese Startup Hands Out Brand New Teslas to Employees as Year-End Bonus

Businesses in China, particularly in the tech industry, tend to be more generous to their employees than in other countries when it comes to year-end bonuses. The rewards for the companies, of course, include retention of their workers, and keeping them motivated. 
This year, one Chinese company is taking the high road. Literally. WiFi Key Master — a mobile app that automatically connects your tech devices to in-range public WiFi networks — is giving out cars to its employees instead of monetary bonuses, according to Business Insider.
Lavish indeed. And we’re not even talking about some used Fiestas. We’re talking Tesla. Namely the Model S, the automaker’s showcase, all-electric car. In the U.S., the Tesla Model S is a coveted luxury sedan that will cost you a whopping $71,000 or more.
WiFi Key Master can afford to shell out gifts that most employees would die for, considering their app is used by 500 million people. According to a company rep, dozens of Teslas have already been given out to its employees (there are a total of 50 workers at WiFi). In total, the Tesla bonuses will cost the company 30 million yuan; in the U.S., that translates to a cool $4.8 million.
For WiFi, the money is nothing compared to retaining its talent. Chen Danian, the startup’s founder, said, “Through this move, we want to show how much we value and respect our talent.”
Featured image via WiFi Master Key
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