Chinese-Soviet Propaganda Posters Are Basically Beautiful Couples on Gaycation

By Khier Casino
There’s a collection of steamy homoerotic Communist propaganda posters from the 1950s floating around on the internet and we want some Sino-Soviet fan fiction about them.
On Oct. 1, 1949, Mao Zedong, also known as Chairman Mao, announced the establishment of the People’s Republic of China, with Beijing as its capital.

Following Communist control of mainland China, Beijing began practicing a pro-Soviet diplomacy in return for support, loans and technology, according to Shanghaiist.
Sino-Soviet relations were essentially benevolent during the 1950s, with the two sides signing the “Sino-Soviet Treaty of Friendship, Alliance and Mutual Assistance” and other agreements on Feb. 14, 1950.
However, by 1961, the Chinese Communists formally denounced “The Revisionist Traitor Group of Soviet Leadership,” and the ideological divergence continued until the late 1980s.
But before the Sino-Soviet split, both China and the USSR’s propaganda departments brought about images endorsing friendship and cooperation between the two populations.
Many propaganda posters depict a Soviet and Chinese man holding hands. Gay rights activists in Russia and China have actually been inspired to use the images for their own #PridePropaganda posters.
Check out the rest of the male camaraderie below, and we totally ship all of them:
1. Dance Dance Communist Revolution … with perfectly coiffed hair and flawlessly ironed shirts.

2. “Hello, sailor!”

3. A happy couple on a gaycation.

4. Get you someone that hugs you the way these two hold each other.

5. Time to gather up your family for that yearly Christmas photo to share with friends and loved ones.

6. “You jump, I jump, Jack.”

7. “How big is your flagpole?”

8. “Call me by your name and I’ll call you by mine.”

9. Love wins!

10. “Will this fit in there?”

11. Reading some Lenin together before bed.

Images via Imgur / justsome
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