Chinese Restaurant Employees Scare Off Knife-Weilding Robber With Soup Ladle

Chinese Restaurant Employees Scare Off Knife-Weilding Robber With Soup LadleChinese Restaurant Employees Scare Off Knife-Weilding Robber With Soup Ladle
An armed serial thief was forced to abandon his last hit and scramble for the exit after he messed with the wrong Chinese crew. 
Earlier this month, a masked knife-wielding thug attempted and failed to rob a Chinese restaurant in Brooklyn after its workers fought back with kitchen utensils.
Local authorities would later identify the hooded man to be a suspect connected with a string of robberies in the city, reported CBS2.  Security footage inside Chen’s Garden on Flatlands Avenue in East New York showed the man entering the establishment with a large knife drawn from his waistband.
The incident, which occurred around 9:30 p.m. on Jan. 4, saw the man demanding money and jumping onto the store’s counter. He immediately realized his mistake, however, when the employees refused to back down and decided to fight back using anything they can find around them. The robber scrambled out running as one employee chased him with a soup ladle and a stool.
The miscalculated attempt lasted only 15 seconds and makes for a rather entertaining watch.
“You have to fight back,” one employee was quoted as saying.
The suspect, who is being linked to three other robberies committed on the same street, remains at large.
According to police, the man successfully robbed a Dunkin Donuts, a KFC/Taco Bell and recently Baskin Robbins. He thought he could pull the same shtick on Chen’s Garden, but found he was not prepared for a Chinese man with a ladle.
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