Chinese Mom Whips 9-Year-Old Son For Not Doing Homework, Gets 6 Months in Jail

By Sarah Lesnar
A Chinese “Tiger Mom” took it a step too far and earned six months of prison time after mercilessly whipping her adopted son with a jump rope for not doing his homework.
According to local media in Nanjing in east China’s Jiagsu Province, the woman, identified as Li, punished her 9-year-old son for not completing his school work. Li, who is in her 50s, adopted her nephew from his parents in a rural Anhui province village in hopes that he would earn a better education in an urban city, reported the Daily Mail.
Li admitted in court to hitting the boy with a skipping rope and back scratcher, which left horrific scars and marks that covered his entire body. She was arrested after the shocking pictures appeared online. She told the court during trial that he was whipped because “he didn’t finish his homework and told lies.” Li said in defense:
“I’m not a bad mother. I just don’t want him to tell lies.”
The court found the woman guilty of assault and stated:
“No matter how much she cares and loves her son, she must face the consequences of her actions.”
Court officials declared that the young boy will be sent back to be cared for by his biological parents in the village while Li serves her six-month sentence in jail.
Such similar and less severe punishments for children are common in Chinese tradition. Children are oftentimes spanked, whipped or hit for their wrongdoings. Li’s case is one of the first to set a precedent for adults charged with assault of children.
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