Chinese Gamer’s Feet Start to Rot After 6-Day Gaming Binge at an Internet Cafe

Earlier this week, police discovered an unconscious 19-year-old boy behind a bush near some train tracks in Hangzhou, China with infected and bleeding feet.
The police quickly called for an ambulance when the boy woke up briefly to ask for some water. When the police asked him what had happened, the young man explained that he hadn’t eaten in three days, had no money for food, and had been wandering aimlessly after a 6-day long gaming binge at a nearby internet cafe, according to Hangzhou Daily.
Eventually, the police contacted the young man’s parents, but his father initially told them he didn’t want his son back. Apparently, the boy had run away from home 10 days before and didn’t care about anything but online gaming. Eventually, he asked the police to bring him home.
Police believe if they had not found the boy, he would have died.
While it is unknown the exact cause of his foot rot, it’s most likely attributed to his poor hygiene and lack of sleep.
China’s extreme gaming culture has certainly taken it’s toll on young people throughout the country who practically live in internet cafes, from Jack Ma’s own son to one woman who paused only briefly to give birth and continued at her computer covered in blood.
Gamers will resort to other extreme measures to trade their lives for the sake of the game:
h/t: Shanghaiist
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