Chinese Man Claims Drinking His Own Urine For 23 Years Has Saved Him From Sickness

By Ryan General
There is an active group in Mainland China that believes in the healing power of pee.
Established in Hong Kong back in 2008, the China Urine Therapy Association is bound by the belief that drinking urine leads to longer life and better health with claims that it is also an effective cure for cancer.
According to the group’s website, their belief in the powerful benefits of drinking urine comes from the understanding that the fluid comes from the circulation of blood which absorbs nutrients in food and is therefore a “genuine metabolic product.”
“Urine comes from blood. Its chemical components come from blood and equal those of blood. The urine from a healthy person is sterile,” the website reads.
The thriving group, which claims to have an active membership of 1,000 people, is unfortunately not officially recognized by China’s Ministry of Health.
An old man from Chengdu, who was identified as the group’s chief managing director, revealed In an interview with Chengdu Economic Daily (via Shanghaiist) how obsessed he is with drinking piss.
“It’s been 23 years. I’ve been drinking urine since I was 48. Urine can cure all illnesses, like back problems, emphysema and farsightedness,” he said. He further stated that his daughter almost disavowed him after learning of his obsession.
The chief’s daily routine shows that his “urine regimen” might be bordering on addiction.
Waking up around 5 to 6 a.m. every day, his first order of business includes drinking a concoction of water and a kilo of monk fruit that he prepared into a porcelain jar the night before
He starts drinking large amounts of pee at certain intervals only after 5 p.m.
“I drink 500 to 1,000 ml of urine five to six times a day,” he said. Drinking too little water, he said his pee gets a more sour taste.
His fascination with his pungent beverage began way back, in 1993, when he purchased a book about the subject after a urine therapy campaign arrived in his neighborhood. The information he learned from the book enlightened him to start drinking his own pee.
In just three months of pee-drinking, he claims that his eyesight became better and he no longer needed to wear glasses when playing mahjong. He also claims that the urine therapy has made him a healthier man.
Unfortunately, the curative effects of human urine have never been officially backed by science as there has not been any medical or scientific data to support urine’s medicinal value.
Interestingly, however, while the practice has been widely regarded as pseudo-science by scientists, there have also been popular celebrities across the globe who have also embraced a pee-drinking habit.
British actress Sarah Miles claimed to have drunk her own urine for over thirty years to protect herself from allergies. Mixed martial arts fighter Lyoto Machida and Boxer Juan Manuel Márquez have also been vocal about their love for the yellow liquid.
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