Chinese Mall Installs Giant Donald Trump Dog Statue to Celebrate Lunar New Year

By Carl Samson
A gigantic dog statue resembling U.S. President Donald Trump marked the beginning of celebrations of the Lunar New Year at a mall in northern China.
The statue, installed at Fashion Walk Mall in Taiyuan, Shanxi Province, observes the upcoming Year of the Dog, according to state newspaper People’s Daily.

It features Trump’s iconic golden hair and eyebrows, including a red scarf evocative of his political ties.

The statue also paints the president’s stern expression with an index finger pointing up!

Last year, the mall pulled a similar stunt when it set up a towering rooster that resembled the freshly-elected president. Miniature Trump roosters were also sold from $57 to $1,739, depending on the size.

A balloon replica also made its way behind the White House in August.
For the uninitiated, the upcoming Lunar or Chinese New Year falls on Feb. 16, 2018. However, celebrations last for weeks, often starting from late January to the third week of February.

The new Lunar New Year could be of particular significance to Trump in Chinese astrology. Those born in 1946 — like himself (June 14) — are said to be intelligent, hardworking and sincere, according to China Highlights.
Dog people’s lucky numbers include 3, 4 and 9, while unlucky ones include 1, 6 and 7. Lucky colors include red, green and purple, while unlucky ones are blue, white and gold.
Following the tradition, President Trump will be depicted as a pig in 2019, rat in 2020, ox in 2021 and tiger in 2022.
Featured Images (Cropped/Collaged): Left: Screenshot via YouTube / 多維視頻集錦DWNEWS, Right: Flickr / Gage Skidmore (CC BY-SA 2.0)
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