Chinese Grandpa Walks Adorable Triplets on Leashes

By Kyle Encina
Adorable Chinese triplets were spotted being guided by their grandfather across the street in Zhoukou, Henan Province, while donning leashes, but instead of inciting public disdain, they managed to warm the hearts of many.
A 59-second clip posted to Pear Video went viral as netizens found the video adorable despite the strange idea of placing leashes on children.

The mother of the triplets explained that it would be excruciatingly difficult to get a hold of the 2-year-olds without the aid of a leash, according to Shanghaiist.
“He (the grandfather) couldn’t take care of all three of them while crossing, the rope is connected with their bags and they won’t run away from you, it’s safe,” the mother added.

The video, captioned “Leash your triplets”, already has over 2,000 views and more than 100 likes as of this writing.

What makes these Chinese triplets even more charming is that their mother named them “You You,” Le Le” and “Mei Mei”, which together spells out the famous Chinese milk tea brand “Youlemei”.
“I didn’t come up with that name, their auntie came up with the names,” the mother clarified.

If these Chinese triplets are as popular and essential as the beverage they’re named after, they might just end up like the famous Vietnamese triplets who went from being dropouts to graduating with honors.
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