This Chinese Couple Has Been Together for Almost 100 Years

A Chinese couple, who has been together for almost a century, has become a living testament that love can indeed last a lifetime.
Living a simple life in the rural town of Suqiao in Guangxi Province, a 102-year-old husband named Wei Qishou and his 103-year-old wife Wei Basao have continued to stay in a loving relationship for 96 years.
According to Huanqiu (via Daily Mail), Basao reportedly moved in with her future husband’s family when she was just six-years-old after her parents passed away. Following an old tradition wherein, as an adopted daughter, she was bound to eventually marry one of the sons in the family.
In the evening, we had dinner with all the family elders and we were married.” said Basao, reminiscing about her wedding day. Basao said she was happy as her new family treated her well and they always had food on the table.  Qishou worked as a farmer while his wife made hand-made foot wear. 
The couple lived a modest life, sleeping on bare beds without bedding but living contently despite having very little money. They now have five sons and a daughter who frequently visit them.
Photos of the loving couple has circulated in Chinese social media have touched the hearts of netizens, praising their undying commitment to each other.
The centenarian pair are seen in the pictures sharing a stroll while holding hands and spending time together sitting outside their house. They are also shown doing household chores smiling and enjoying each other’s company.
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