BBC Says F*ck You to the Chinese Community, Releases Racist Show ‘Chinese Burn’ Anyway

By Khier Casino
The BBC’s new comedy TV series “Chinese Burn”, which follows the life of three Chinese women in London, promised to smash negative Asian stereotypes when the pilot episode first premiered in November, but it has done the complete opposite.
“Chinese people don’t get much representation on British TV, and when they do it’s usually illegal immigrants, Triads or takeaway staff. ‘Chinese Burn’ aims to tackle these stereotypes and share real East Asian experiences of living in London. This show’s stories are straight-from-the-dragon’s-mouth, no-MSG, authentic. Six billion Chinese can’t all be Wongs. We are more than the stereotypes. We are varied. We are different. But our stories are universal, so Brits can relate… mate,” Shin-Fei Chen and Yennis Cheung, who write and star in “Chinese Burn,” were quoted as saying last year.
Much like “Fresh Off the Boat” in the U.S., “Chinese Burn” seemingly offers Asian people more onscreen prominence. But the show did not sit well with audiences in the U.K.
A BBC representative flatly told NextShark on Thursday that it does not want to comment further.
While the “Chinese Burn” Facebook has censored reviews and disabled comments, it did not stop viewers from chiming in with their thoughts on social media.
IMDb users went off with their own reviews, with most giving the TV series a 1 out of 10 rating.
“The storyline and plot is unimaginative and exploits extremely racist stereotypes about Chinese men with self degrading actors for laughs,” one reviewer said.
“Here’s what you’re in for if you actually watch this hot garbage: Asian female prostitutes. Asian male premature ejaculation jabs. Overly done fake Asian accents. Asian females vehemently refusing to date Asian men. Stereotypical submissive Asian females,” another wrote.
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