Chinese Boy Crucified By His Mom For Not Doing His Homework

Chinese Boy Crucified By His Mom For Not Doing His HomeworkChinese Boy Crucified By His Mom For Not Doing His Homework
A young boy in China may end up being scarred for life after enduring a cruel and unusual punishment for not doing his homework.
The cruel parents of the unnamed student decided it best to teach him a lesson by crucifying him in the middle of the street. The photo of the child, which went viral earlier this week on Chinese social media, shows him on his knees on a crate while tied up to a wooden cross on a street in Chongqing.
According to Chongqing Evening News (via Shanghaiist), the child’s parents are fruit shop owners in Yongchuan District.
In an interview, the child’s father reportedly acted surprised about the public reaction and even described the crucifixion as a small prank that his wife played on their son. He also claimed that the boy was tied up just for a few minutes. In that brief period, the father explained, a passerby may have mistaken the “joke” as torture and took the photo, causing  undeserved attention.
However, an interview with a neighbor revealed that the boy’s parents are known to be “extremely strict”. The neighbor also stated that it was the mother who tied the boy to a cross after she found out that he didn’t do his school homework.
The neighbor and boy’s father later engaged in an argument, with the latter threatening to file charges of invasion of his family’s privacy for taking a photo of his son on the cross.
It was not reported if any further investigation took place. Do these parents deserve just a verbal warning too?
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