Chinese Bird Goes Viral in China For Having Donald Trump’s Hair

By Ryan General
Who wore it better?
U.S. president-elect Donald Trump has become a common topic on Chinese social media for a variety of reasons. Some worry about his stance on trade with China, while others are concerned about his views on immigration and other policies that affect China and Asia in general. In between, there are those who just love making jokes about his hair.
Chinese social media has recently discovered that Donald Trump’s hair has an uncanny resemblance to the crest of the golden pheasant, a type of gamebird native to forests in mountainous areas of western China.
One such bird is 5-year-old “Little Red,” who currently resides in the Hangzhou Safari Park. After Trump’s victory, Little Red’s photos have gone viral on Chinese social media. A local reporter was reportedly the first one to notice that its golden head looked very similar to the republican billionaire’s signature hairdo, reported the Daily Mail.
Gao, the bird’s handler, has just recently recognized the similarities:
“I had not noticed the likeness in the past because I had not paid particular attention to the pheasant’s hairstyle. But after Trump was elected President of America, I start seeing more pictures of him and I think the pheasant looks a little bit like him.”
“I expect more tourists to come to our zoo to see the pheasant now that he has been in the news,” he added.
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