China Will Have 415 Million New Tech Jobs in by 2035
By Carl Samson
While robots have started replacing workers in China, 415 million jobs are expected in the country by 2035 — and they’re all in tech. If it sounds promising, employees might want to start learning skills that are not easily replaced by artificial intelligence as soon as possible.
The overwhelming figure, boosting technology’s share to 48% of gross domestic product, comes from a study by the Boston Consulting Group and AliResearch Institute. More than 100 million of these jobs will reportedly be generated by Alibaba.
The internet-based economy could then be worth $16 trillion, Xinhua noted.
According to the forecast, artificial intelligence will take over low-skilled, menial and repetitive work. These include technologies such as facial and voice recognition, robots and touch screens, according to South China Morning Post.
However, they are not sparing professionals. Researchers may also be replaced by AI. AliResearch head Gao Hongbing predicted, “There will be AI-powered think tanks and some basic research will be done by machines.”
On the brighter side, Gao said humans will join the workforce by monetizing certain skills online. He stressed that 20% of the world’s population will become self-employed or freelance workers in the next decade.
Hao Jian, chief consultant of recruitment firm, has words of encouragement:
“Jobs that require creativeness, involve emotions and tend to break rules rather than follow rules can never be replaced by machines.”
Image via Flickr / Robert Scoble
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