Chinese Villagers Are Successfully Selling Bags of Fresh Air to People in the City

Business-minded locals in the mountainous part of Guandong province in China are making money off the region’s natural fresh air.
Lianshan Zhuang and Yao autonomous county residents have set up stalls atop its mountain and began selling air in plastic bags to city dwellers escaping the smog.
According to NetEase (via Shanghaiist), the price of the fresh air ranges from 10 yuan ($1.50) for a small bag and up to 30 yuan ($4.50) for a larger bag.
Lianshan county, reportedly the greenest area in northern Guandong, is a favorite getaway spot for city folk who want to escape from urban pollution.
Marketing a bag of air is not that difficult for these crafty entrepreneurs as many customers find the idea of taking home fresh mountain air quite reasonable.
Air pollution has become a major issue in China especially in its highly industrialized cities and continuously poses a threat to the public health of its people.
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