Chinese City Experiments With ‘Inclined’ Parking Spots to Save Space

Chinese City Experiments With ‘Inclined’ Parking Spots to Save SpaceChinese City Experiments With ‘Inclined’ Parking Spots to Save Space
Chongqing, a major city in southwest China, just opened its first inclined parking lot as an experiment to save space for more cars.
Chongqing, a major city in southwest China, just opened its first inclined parking lot as an experiment to save space for more cars.
The experiment, which puts cars into a 28 to 32 degree angle automatically after parking, was put forward in an attempt to increase the number of vehicles that the garage could accommodate.
The project has thus far been a success. According to Shanghaiist, the inclined parking has increased the vehicle capacity of the lot from 24 to 40.
Chongqing, a major city in southwest China, just opened its first inclined parking lot as an experiment to save space for more cars.
This inclined parking technology may be just the tip of the iceberg from the developers. As noted in a recent report, the minds behind it might one day introduce a robotic valet.
Chongqing, a major city in southwest China, just opened its first inclined parking lot as an experiment to save space for more cars.
However, it was not disclosed how much they will charge for this automated parking.
But one thing’s for sure: if you’re planning to park your car at this angle, you better make sure you don’t leave your coffee inside.
Chongqing, a major city in southwest China, just opened its first inclined parking lot as an experiment to save space for more cars.
Images via Shanghaiist
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